History and Directors


Company Name: The Heurston Group PLC
Date of Incorporation: 21 January 2011
Company Number: 7501485
Registered Office:

5 Fleet Place,London EC4A 7RD

Representative Office: 9/30 Prohasky Street
Port Melbourne VIC 3207
Financial Year End: 30 June
Name of Directors and executive function: Marino Robert Sussich (Chairman / CEO Director)

Marino is a highly creative entrepreneur who has a thorough understanding of the international business environment. He has strong focus on team building and problem solving abilities with a particular focus on innovative sales techniques. Marino has developed and managed several successful international companies over the last 20 years including Australian Brewing Corporation Pty Ltd.

Peter Lombardo (Executive Director)

Peter Lombardo is a founding member and is an Executive Director of the Heurston Group PLC.   Peter has played an important role in the planning and development of the Heurston Group PLC existing business and direction.

Peter commenced his working career as a Civil Engineer at Stramit Industries Pty Ltd and was General Manager of several building and development companies including Dona Homes Pty Ltd, who were a large Victorian based builder.  His duties included running the marketing and advertising department.  Peter’s technical background has always ensured that the projects he has been involved in have a sound, practical design benefit and costing. Peter provides experience in sales, distribution, finance, marketing and business administration